Low contrast

Low contrast notifications in the White theme
Class | Property | Color token |
.bx--inline-notification__title .bx--toast-notification__title | text color | $text-01 |
.bx--inline-notification__subtitle .bx--toast-notification__subtitle | text color | $text-01 |
.bx--inline-notification__close-button .bx--toast-notification__close-button | fill | $icon-01 |
.bx--inline-notification__action-button | text color | $link-01 |
Error — low contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--error | background-color | $notification-error-background-color |
notification--error | border-left | $support-01 |
svg.error--filled | fill | $support-01 |
Success — low contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--success | background-color | $notification-success-background-color |
notification--success | border-left | $support-02 |
svg.checkmark-filled | fill | $support-02 |
Warning — low contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--warning | background-color | $notification-warning-background-color |
notification--warning | border-left | $support-03 |
svg.warning-filled | fill | $support-03 |
Info — low contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--info | background-color | $notification-info-background-color |
notification--info | border-left | $support-04 |
High contrast

High contrast notifications in the White theme
Class | Property | Color token |
.bx--inline-notification__title .bx--toast-notification__title | text color | $inverse-01 |
.bx--inline-notification__subtitle .bx--toast-notification__subtitle | text color | $inverse-01 |
.bx--inline-notification__close-button .bx--toast-notification__close-button | fill | $inverse-01 |
.bx--inline-notification .bx--toast-notification | background-color | $inverse-02 |
Error — high contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--error | border-left | $inverse-support-01 |
svg.error--filled | fill | $inverse-support-01 |
Success — high contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--success | border-left | $inverse-support-02 |
svg.checkmark-filled | fill | $inverse-support-02 |
Warning — high contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--warning | border-left | $inverse-support-03 |
svg.warning-filled | fill | $inverse-support-03 |
Info — high contrast
Class | Property | Color token |
notification--info | border-left | $inverse-support-04 |
Notification text should be set in sentence case with only the first word capitalized. Notification titles should be concise and to the point.
Class | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
.bx--toast-notification__title .bx--inline-notification__title | 14 / 0.875 | SemiBold / 600 | $heading-01 |
.bx--toast-notification__subtitle .bx--inline-notification__subtitle | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 | $body-short-01 |
Toast notification
Property | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
.bx--toast-notification | width | 288 / 18 | – |
.bx--toast-notification | border-left | 3px | – |
.bx--toast-notification | padding-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--toast-notification__title | margin-top | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--toast-notification__subtitle | margin-bottom | 24 / 1.5 | $spacing-06 |
.bx--toast-notification__details | padding-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--toast-notification__caption | margin-bottom | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--inline-notification__close-button | height, width | 48 / 3 | – |
close-icon | margin-top, margin-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |

Structure and spacing measurements for a toast notification | px / rem
Inline notification
The width of an inline notification will vary based on content or layout.
Property | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
.bx--inline-notification | min-height | 48 / 3 | $spacing-09 |
.bx--inline-notification | border-left | 3px | – |
.bx--inline-notification__details | margin-left, margin-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--inline-notification__text-wrapper | padding-top, padding-bottom | 12 / 0.75 | $spacing-04 |
.bx--inline-notification__icon | margin-right | 16 / 1 | $spacing-05 |
.bx--inline-notification__close-button | height, width | 48 / 3 | – |
close-icon | icon size | 16 x 16 | – |

Structure and spacing measurements for a inline notification | px / rem